Products / SURE / Needle valve system
Product Application
Hot Half-Mold System
Inner Heating System
Multi Head System
Open System
Side Feed System SG
Push-Plate Needle Valve System BV:(Application industry: Wrap, Medical, Cell phone)
VBETB Needle Valve System:(Application industry: Wrap, Household appliances, Medical, Cell phone)
VBETX Needle Valve System:(Application industry: Wrap, Household appliances, Car)
VBETB Needle Valve System:(Application industry: Wrap, Cell phone)
VBSET Needle Valve System:(Application industry: Wrap, Household appliances, Car)
VBSETB Needle Valve System:(Application industry: Wrap, Household appliances)
VBSETX Needle Valve System:(Application industry: Wrap, Household appliances, Car)
VSET/VSCT Needle Valve System:(Application industry: Wrap, Household appliances, Car)
VSETB/VSCF Needle Valve System:(Application industry: Wrap, Car)
VSETX/VSCB Needle Valve System:(Application industry: Wrap, Household appliances, Car)
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